Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
When we were in Yangsho we got to do some really fun stuff like bamboo rafting, mountain climbing, swimming in a river, riding on a motorcycle, but the funniest thing of all was getting to holed monkeys! They were climbing all over me and eating my hair and stuffing there feet in my mouth! Hee Hee!! here's some pics!!!
Guess what!!!?? Me and my family just went on a trip to yangsho!!! It was ssssooooooo much fun! Yangsho is that place in China with all of those mountains that are really steep! There every where! When we first got there we were staying in this place called the mountain view hotel which was located in a town. It was fun to go to all the little shops and restaurants and stuff! after we left the moutain view hotel we went to a place called the outside inn. It was by far my favorite! there were chickens waddling around everywhere! and more butterflies wherever you you look!
We got to stay in this old farm house with an upstairs! I was a super awesome trip!
We got to stay in this old farm house with an upstairs! I was a super awesome trip!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Hey everyone!!! sorry I haven't posted in ages! I know I told you I would tell you all about school and stuff. I have just been so busy! but its the weekend now so I don't have much to do so...... lets get to the point! first off schools okay its kinda been lonely because I have really only made one friend and shes been out sick for a few days. It's pretty good over all though. and for the house! it's great! we are on the top floor which happens to be the eighth. We can go up to the roof and see everything! later today me and grace are going to a sleepover and then to the beach! That should be pretty fun! the beaches here are amazing!!!!!!! the water is so blue and sometimes there are little jelly fish in the water and cactus on the beach! and here on the streets there are bananas papaya growing on them. so yeah! that's all!!!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Me and my sis started a sailing camp about a week ago, and I really like it!!!! At first it was kinda boring but every day it got better. We still have a week of camp and I'm really looking forward to it Because we finely get to sail out of the harbor! We sail in a kind of boat called an opti. They'er pretty teeny but if you catch a good gust of wind they go pretty fast!!! I luv to sail! it is sooooo much fun!! and I can't wait till next week!!!!! this is a pic I drew with this program
my mom has on her computer.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sadie is my dog, shes usually a great pet but sometimes she can get really annoying! For example
she loves to run away! It can be really scary because she has absolutely no concept of cars she just runs right out in front of them. One time she almost got hit! and another thing she does thatannoys
me is that she barks every time a blade of grass so much as moves!!!! And well.... there is lots of other stuff too but I'll talk about the nice things about Sadie now. First. SHE IS HILARIOUS!!!!!
she makes me laugh at least five times a day!!! And shes petty good at doing tricks too! she also loves to chase her ball! shes practically in love with that thing! She'll chase it anywhere! So yeah! Overall shes a great dog!
she loves to run away! It can be really scary because she has absolutely no concept of cars she just runs right out in front of them. One time she almost got hit! and another thing she does thatannoys
me is that she barks every time a blade of grass so much as moves!!!! And well.... there is lots of other stuff too but I'll talk about the nice things about Sadie now. First. SHE IS HILARIOUS!!!!!
she makes me laugh at least five times a day!!! And shes petty good at doing tricks too! she also loves to chase her ball! shes practically in love with that thing! She'll chase it anywhere! So yeah! Overall shes a great dog!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Yo! I don't really know what i want to post about........... so I'll just post about awesome, and not so awesome random stuff!!!! Ok so............... well recently Me and my sister Grace had a sleepover with our cousin Julia, and pretty much the whole time we made awesome MUSIC VIDEOS!!! I did this one that I really like!!!!! I did it to "because of you" you know, by Kelly Clarkson. I want to post it on my blog but first we have to download it onto the computer and my mom doesn't want it to bogg it down since videos tend to do that. So first we have to get a disc to put all of our movies on but I will eventually post it so you all can see it. Well that's all!!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
As some of you know, I planted some morning glories this spring. And well......... I'll just say they weren't doing too well just to make a long story short. But now they're doing better!!!! I still only have two out of eight, still one of the two is doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait till it gets flowers! Here are some pictures!!!!
Yo peoples! We went camping last weekend and it was really fun! We went to Acadia and for the first time I rode my own bike on the carriage trails. Our cousins came with us too so it made the trip lots of fun! The next day right after our bike ride we went on a really steep hike. It was super tiring since we'd just been biking the day before, but once we got to the top the views were incredible so it was all worth it. That day we left for home. On the way we stopped at a barbecue and had these really good ribs. Yummmmy!!! Heh heh! So yeah, it was really fun!!!! Well I guess that's all. :)
Friday, May 14, 2010
We went to the Maine Wildlife Park yesterday with some of our friends! It was really fun! there was this Raccoon that seemed really used to people and really friendly. We also got to see a Mountain Lion, bears and a lot more! The reason we went was because we had signed up for a turtle class but the teacher of the class was late so we got to look at all the animals!!!! Here are some pics of the turtles that my mom took.
Monday, May 10, 2010
I just love to collect stuff! Lately I've been collecting some cool shells and driftwood at a beach near my grandmothers house. I've found lots of sand dollars and these twirly shell things that I don't know the name of. I go down to the beach a lot with my mom when my sister is having her tutoring, so I have plenty of time to look for shells! Here are some pics

I took of them!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
cool creations
So I made up these things called boings a while back. It started out as pretty much nothing, but after a while it started to grow. Me and my sister made a town and then we told our friend, and well......... the whole thing sort of exploded! Now we don't just have a group of little houses; we have stores and cars, schools and day cares. Not only that, we don't just have a boing town; our friend Elizabeth does to!!!! Every time we go to Elizabeth's house or she goes to ours we spend about half the time making or playing boings. They are so cool!!!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Like I said in my description of myself, I have two pets, a cat and a dog. My cat is all black. We got her when she was a kitten and she's been obsessed with food ever since. Every morning she gets up at around six and sometimes even five and begins to play her "wake up everybody so they can feed me game." It is so annoying!!!! Oh yeah, another thing she's obsessed with is cardboard! She loves cardboard!!!! She chews up cardboard boxes and she chews up her cat scratcher and she even chews up paperback books....... and on and on and on. Yeah, so she sounds pretty annoying!! She is, but I love her any way!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Moi's poems
I see them
In the darkness.
Little orbs of light
Shining through the black of night.
I see the curvy outline of their bodies.
Silhouetted against the wall of the alleyway.
They are staring at me
Their little shining lights fixed on my face.
Without a home they stray,
Living in this alleyway.
By Emma Woodhead
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I had my 12th b-day party yesterday. It was great! My mom made me a really yummy cake, and for lunch me and my BFFs went out to eat at Sillys! When we got home from Sillys we went down to this awesome rope swing by a stream near our house and tried unsuccessfully to catch minnows and American eels. All and all i had a great day!

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