Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yo! I don't really know what i want to post about........... so I'll just post about awesome, and not so awesome random stuff!!!! Ok so............... well recently Me and my sister Grace had a sleepover with our cousin Julia, and pretty much the whole time we made awesome MUSIC VIDEOS!!! I did this one that I really like!!!!! I did it to "because of you" you know, by Kelly Clarkson. I want to post it on my blog but first we have to download it onto the computer and my mom doesn't want it to bogg it down since videos tend to do that. So first we have to get a disc to put all of our movies on but I will eventually post it so you all can see it. Well that's all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Coool! You should also post the " cant be tamed" One
